Shut Up And Choose

Whale Sighting Alert: Fat Beach Days Popping Up Across The US - Gimme A Break!

Jonathan Ressler Season 1 Episode 13

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Losing weight isn't as tough as you've been led to believe. Cut through the noise as we dismantle the myths and excuses that keep you from your health goals. Join me, Jonathan Ressler, as we get brutally honest about what it takes to achieve sustainable weight loss. In this episode, we critique the quick-fix diets and gimmicks that promise miracles but fail to deliver, and we focus on the power of making small, smart dietary choices. By emphasizing the importance of self-accountability and personal responsibility, we tackle head-on the societal attitudes that often derail weight loss efforts.

We also take a critical look at so-called "fat beach days" and the victim mentality they perpetuate, arguing that these events might do more harm than good. While I wholeheartedly support legislation against weight discrimination, the real change comes from within. This episode isn't just a rant; it's a no-nonsense guide to transforming your health and life by committing to straightforward, mindful decisions. Buckle up, shut up, and let's choose our way to success together.

Get my new eBook Why You Are Still A Fat Fuck here. Tell Me Why


If you're a whiny snowflake that can't handle the truth, is offended by the word fuck and about 37 uses of it in different forms gets ass hurt. When you hear someone speak the absolute, real and raw truth, you should leave Like right now. This is Shut Up and Choose, the podcast where we cut through the shit and get real about weight loss, life and everything in between. We get into the nitty gritty of making small, smart choices that add up to big results. From what's on your plate to how you approach life's challenges. We'll explore how the simple act of choosing differently can transform your health, your mindset and your entire freaking life. So if you're ready to cut through the bullshit and start making some real changes, then buckle up and shut up, because we're about to choose our way to a healthier, happier life. This is Shut Up and Choose. Let's do this Now. Your host, jonathan Ressler.

Jonathan :

Hey everybody, welcome back to Shut Up and Choose. I'm Jonathan Ressler, your host, and this is the podcast where we talk about weight loss and sustainable weight loss and we kind of cut through all the bullshit out there about how losing weight is tough, because the truth of the matter is it's fucking easy. So I like to think, starting now, that I am actually the voice of reason in the weight loss industry. So if you've been around weight loss as long as I have, you know that this landscape is littered with fucking gimmicks, quick fixes and a whole lot of bullshit. Everyone out there has a magic pill, a magic shot, a revolutionary diet or the latest workout to make sure that you guarantee to drop 20 pounds in a fucking minute. I mean, it's all bullshit. The truth is, most of it is bullshit, and that's why I'm here as the voice of reason in the weight loss injuries, because I tell you the shit that other people won't and I cut through the bullshit and I give you the real deal If you want to or need to lose weight. It's all about making a choice the choice to shut up and choose, the choice to actually do something about it rather than fucking bitch and moan and act like a victim. So today I'm going to talk about something that just fucking mind blown to me. So you know how, like in the springtime, young guys go hey, it's springtime, it's sundress season, this is a great time of year. Well, now we're in summertime, and summertime is that season when fat fucks go into hiding. Right, it's like you know, you wear less holy shit. I better go into hiding.

Jonathan :

So I read about this new trend called fat beach days. Can you fucking believe that fat beaches? There was one in new york and far rockaway last weekend and there's similar events planned across the united states. Like there's a fat friends pool party that's going to be held in Chicago on July 13th and a bellies out beach day in LA in a few weeks. Are you fucking kidding me? I can't fucking believe this. I mean, talk about playing the victim, right. I mean, being fat is a choice and I know that makes me unpopular when I say that but at the end of the day's a fucking choice. Whether it be conscious or unconscious, you're fat because of the choices that you make. So this whole fat beach day thing is just mind-blowing to me. I I mean, I've been a fat guy my whole life, but I never let that keep me going from the beat, you know, keep me going to the beach of the pool. You know I'm not saying that I wasn't self-conscious, but I was, but I still fucking went to.

Jonathan :

Honest, I don't know if I would have gone to a fat beach day. I mean, even when I was, you know, at my heaviest well, not at my heaviest because I couldn't walk, but when I was, you know, in the high 300s, I was able to function in fucking normal society. Right, I could go to the beach. You know, I wasn't worried. I didn't need a special day for me to go to the beach, like my feeling was always hey, if you look at me and you see my big fat belly and you don't like it, then fucking look somewhere else. I'm going to come here to the beach and do what I want. But I guess apparently a lot of people don't do that. So my answer to that is like hey, if it bothers you so much, then fucking do something about it. You're not a victim, it's not a disease and you're not handicapped. You're just fucking fat and that's by choice. You know. You got yourself here in this fat place, so do something about it. You fat, fucking make a change. I mean, look, I feel like I can say shit like that because I've been there and I've done that. You know, like this whole fat beach day thing is mind blowing.

Jonathan :

Now, on the other side of the coin, recently New York passed some legislation that prohibits weight discrimination. Eric Mayer Adams signed the bill banning weight discrimination in hiring housing. Now I totally support that. I absolutely agree with it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think Eric Adams is a fucking moron, but that's a conversation in another day, for another day. I do a hundred percent agree that fat people should not be discriminated against. In fact, I truly hate any kind of discrimination based on size, color or anything else you know. So I do support that legislation. But when I read shit like about these fat beach days, it just made me want to fucking scream.

Jonathan :

So this woman you know I read the article in the New York Post because I still love reading the New York Post every day and there was a quote from this woman and this is the quote exactly it's a really shitty time, not just on the Internet but in society, to be fat and it feels really violent in a lot of ways. Zach said I'll tell you her name in a minute. You'd think it wouldn't be such a thing because new york is so open and you dress however you want. I always say I never realized how much people hate fat people until I got on tiktok. Well, give me a fucking break.

Jonathan :

So this is written by someone named emma zach, who owns a store in brooklyn with curves is what she says. So that part I totally respect the store because I mean, you know, when I was huge, I shopped in big and tall stores and I especially shopped in one called Rochester Big and Tall, because they had all the designer names and they really they made stuff for fat people, you know. So that I totally, totally agree with you know, and I give her props for that. You know, rochester big and tall ultimately got bought out by DXL and now it fucking sucks. You know, it's like, you know, if you're, if you're, from middle America, it's great, but if you're trying to dress, you know in in the fashion, you know, in the designer brands that doesn't exist anymore. So, like I said, I support this woman in her effort to create a store for people with curves. I mean, I totally get that. What I don't get is this playing the fucking victim role by this woman Like?

Jonathan :

you know, I don't get it and don't be one of those people that tell me she's embracing it with her store because I get it, she is. But I also think that she's making it worse by creating these events for fat people, suggesting that they have some kind of special needs. Yeah, your fucking special need is that you need to eat less. You need to make small, smart choices. You don't have any other special needs. I mean, you know, maybe if you get to where I was, I mean you do kind of have some special needs because you can't sit on certain kinds of furniture. But was, I mean you do kind of have some special needs because you can't sit on certain kinds of furniture. But to go to the fucking beach, just go to the beach, you know. I mean special clothing, yes, special needs for things like going to the beach, fuck. No, let me tell you, I go to the beach here all the time in Florida and I can tell you with absolute certainty there are more people with big bellies and bellies of all sizes, and there are bodybuilders and fitness models. I mean those are few and far between. You know, there's plenty of people who are overweight, if that's the term you like to use, but no, I don't use that term. There's plenty of fat fucks walking around the beach and you know they don't seem to give a shit. Hey, let me tell you, if you want to see how fat we are as a society, if you want to see how fat we are as a society, spend a day at the beach, and I don't just mean in Florida, I mean I went to the beach in California. I've been to the beach in New York, new Jersey. There's plenty of fat folks out there. So these you know, kind of special fat person beach days are kind of a fucking insult, I think.

Jonathan :

So listen, I'm going to throw this out there. If anybody knows this woman, reach out to her and tell her that I'll personally coach her for free. I mean, I don't want any money for it. I'll personally coach her and show her how easy it is to lose weight, because losing weight is not hard. You heard that in my last podcast. I'm not going to fucking say it's hard. Does it require work? Yes, it does, but so does going to the grocery store. Right, you got to get in the car, you got to walk to the store, you got to buy your groceries. Yeah, that's all work. It's not hard work, but, yeah, it's work. So losing weight takes some work, but it's not hard work and it's work that you should love doing because you're making yourself better, you know I mean. So again, if anybody knows her, reach out and tell her. I'll coach her personally and I, and and I just want to, you know, I want to be clear here.

Jonathan :

Yes, I am saying she is fat because she chooses to be fat. It's a result of her fucking choices, conscious or unconscious doesn't matter. She's fat because of the choices she made along the way and she is not a victim, although she seems to like to play that role. So my advice to her would be knock it the fuck off and make the small smart choices and make the change. And guess what? I'm willing to help you do it, because I did it and I know it's doable and I know it's easy and I know how to get it done.

Jonathan :

So take your fat beach days, roll them up in a tight ball and stick them up your ass. If you're a fat fuck and you want to go to the beach, by all means go to the beach. Who fucking cares what anybody else thinks? I mean when this other woman that, emma Zach said, you know she didn't realize how much, you know how much people hated fat people until she went on TikTok. Then you got two choices, honey Don't go on TikTok, don't go on social media, or fucking lose some weight. You know, I mean you're doing this because you know you people. You feel that people hate you because you're fat. You know, I would say that if you don't want people to hate you, well, a, I don't really think they hate you. They like to make fun of you. Maybe I don't think they really have hate in their heart where they hate you. But if that bothers you, then make a choice Lose some weight.

Jonathan :

You can do it. I mean, the diet industry is completely full of shit. You know how to lose weight, so don't tell me it's. You know all your typical fucking excuses I got a slow metabolism. Fuck that it's expensive to eat healthy. Fuck that I eat Costco hot dogs. It's about, I mean, at the end of the day, it's about one thing, right, because there's only one, there's only one scientific method to lose weight, and that's to consume less calories than you burn. I mean, you know, so something tells me that this Emma Zach and this you know that she's, you know, probably consuming more calories than she burns, right? Or if she's maintaining her weight, she's consuming the same amount of calories that she burns. So all she has to do is consume less calories. I mean, it's so fucking simple, it's so easy and, like I said, I never tell you that you can't feed your soul and eat chocolate, cake and donuts and muffins Fucking A, eat that stuff, but just eat it less. You know what I mean. It's easy. I, I mean it. It makes me.

Jonathan :

You know, last week I went on a rampage about you know how I shouldn't say it's easy and how I said no, fuck that it's easy. Man, it really is easy. It requires work. But anything that's worth anything does require work. You know what I mean I'm not saying. But anything that's worth anything does require work. You know I mean I'm not saying. You know, if you think like you know not eating, well, I take my you know my 90 day juice fast. I lost a shitload of weight. That was fucking hard work, man. That was hard work. I had to go out and buy vegetables, I mean, there's all kinds of shit. What I'm saying is no, it doesn't take hard work at all.

Jonathan :

Just fucking think before you open your big fat fucking mouth right, think about what you're putting in your mouth and decide is this getting me closer to my goal If I eat this donut? Is it getting me closer to where I want to be? Nine times out of 10, the answer is going to be no. There are going to be those exceptions where you go, you know what. I just broke up with my boyfriend or my girlfriend or things like that. So you're going to want to feed your soul and eat that donut Fucking great. Just make the next choice a smarter choice.

Jonathan :

I don't know how to make this any easier, and I'm stunned that people aren't just, you know, running to this thing. I mean, I do have, I do get emails every day, which you know they do kind of feed my soul when I hear about people that are losing weight following my method because they're not working hard. They're just, you know, making small, smart choices. So take your fat beach days, roll them up in a tight ball and shove them up your ass. If you're a fat fuck and you're out there and you go to one of these fat beach days, you should fucking be ashamed of yourself, okay, because you're not any different of a human being. You're just fat because of the choices you made.

Jonathan :

So fucking you know, like I said in my book, put on your fucking big boy and your big girl pants and fucking go out there and do something about it. It's in your hands. You have the power to lose weight. You don't need any complicated plans, any fad diets, any fucking shots, because, yeah, those things work for the short term, but we all know they're not sustainable because you're not eating in a natural way. What I talk about is eating in a very natural way Every now and then.

Jonathan :

Yeah, you're going to feed your soul Big fucking deal, you know, it's fine, feed your soul, but if you make small, smart choices every day and make more good choices than bad choices, you're going to lose weight. I mean, you know how to do it. This shit is in our DNA. It's not a big secret. I mean, don't get me wrong. The diet industry wants you to think that you know it's very complicated and you need to follow this this. I mean, like when I see these diets where you got to figure out you know your metabolism, oh, give me a fuck and don't get me wrong, I did them. But now that I know the secret. All I can say is give me a fucking break, man, this shit is not hard.

Jonathan :

Just eat less calories than you fucking burn, and you don't need to figure out how many calories you burn every day. I mean, you know a simple equation. I think is like Actually, I don't even know the fucking simple equation, but there is some simple equation out there that helps you. Oh, I think you take your weight and you multiply it by 10. And that's how many calories, in theory, you burn every day. So now, at 277 pounds, I would burn 2770 calories. So I have to consume less than that on a daily basis to lose weight. And I do. I mean, like I never look at the calories in anything I eat. I don't think, oh, I have to eat less calories.

Jonathan :

I eat what I want to fucking eat, and I know that eating two slices of pizza is worse than eating one slice of pizza. I know, eating a Pop-Tart for breakfast is worse than eating. You know eating overnight oats, or you know, or eggs, or whatever. But you know, that's the whole fucking trick to this thing is you know what to do. I mean, it just blows my mind that people think they don't know what to do. You were fucking born with it inside of you. You know what to eat, you know how.

Jonathan :

Do you know that eating fucking ice cream at three o'clock in the morning is not good? I mean, yeah, I, I, I always say you can find a uh. You know you can find a uh defense. Or I can't think of where, the where you, you can find a defense. Or I can't think of the word. You can find a justification for just about anything. If you Google it hard enough, I don't think you're going to find anybody that will defend that eating ice cream at 3 o'clock in the morning is good for you. If you do, please send it to me. You know, include it in your email. I'd love to see how that's a smart choice or a good choice on a weight loss journey.

Jonathan :

But at any rate, going back to these fat beach days, you know, I mean, I, I'm, I'm just blown away by it. I'm blown away by the fact that people feel they need to have a beach day with other fat people. Give me a fucking break. I mean, I guess, I guess. Well, I, I would think maybe we're going to start to see, like you know, headlines in the newspapers, whale sightings. Yeah, I mean because I mean who gives a shit? But when you take a beach and you load it up with big fat motherfuckers, I mean people are going to say shit, you know. I mean, I know, I know I would. I mean, holy shit, this is a fucking, this is like a whale convention. I mean, give me a fucking break, go to the beach, do your thing and lose weight. Man, if it bothers you so much. Lose the fucking weight. Put in the effort, put in the work, and it's not hard work, because it's fucking easy.

Jonathan :

And you know, I just had a thought about this whole fat beach day thing. And what is it that we're saying? I mean, we're basically it's kind of reverse psychology, right. So it's like saying, hey, you know, you shouldn't go to the beach on a regular day, you should wait for the fat beach day. So now you feel even more uncomfortable going to the beach. I mean, what are we doing? Are we conditioning people not to go to the beach and say, hey, the only time you should go to the beach is on a fat beach day? I mean that's fucking nuts, it's fucking nuts. So if you go to a fat beach day, you're an asshole. That's all I can say. I mean, if you feel like going to the beach, go any fucking day you want to, and if you are a fat fuck and you want to lose the weight, then make a simple choice to do it.

Jonathan :

So, on that note, I want to talk about, um, something else, because I've think I've worn the fat beach day thing out at this point. Um, if, if you, I've had hundreds of people buy my book and I get you know, I'd like it to be thousands, but it's only hundreds. But I do get people calling me or emailing me all the time and telling me how much they love it. So I decided I would write an ebook about this. Um, and it's a much shorter version. It's only I don't know, I think it's like 20, some odd pages and it gives you kind of all the highlights of my book, without sharing all the personal stories. So it really just tells you kind of how to do it. It's truly, I would say, maybe a five to 10 minute read at most, but it gives you everything you need to know.

Jonathan :

The book is called why You're Still a Fat Fuck, and you know. Again, I know that that title will be be controversial, but I don't give a shit, you know. I mean, if you want to know why you're still a fat fuck and you want to not be a fat fuck, then download my ebook. You can get it, um, at this url learn. shutupandchoose. com. That's pretty simple learn. shutupandchoose. com. It'll tell you about Learn. shutupandchoose. com, it'll tell you about the book and you can download it there. I mean, it's like I would say the shut up and choose light version. If you know a fat fuck that needs it, send them a link, man. I mean, you know, tell them don't go to fat day, instead, lose the weight, you know. So check out that book.

Jonathan :

I also have another ebook that I wrote on mindful eating, but that's not really available yet, um, so, yeah, I, I mean, like I said, I think I'm the voice of reason. I tell you the shit that no one else will tell you. Um, you know, I don't think I'm a, not even when I was at my fattest, I never was a believer that. You know, big is beautiful and if you think that, that's fine, you know, if you're a chubby chaser, you think fat people are sexy, I mean, great, that's fucking awesome.

Jonathan :

But the only thing that I can tell you is being fat is not healthy. That I can assure you. Like you know, I was on eight medications. I had all kinds of health ailments and it was, all you know, exacerbated by me being fat. I'm not saying it was the only reason, because I don't know that for sure, but I know that I made all of them worse by being fat. So if you think big is beautiful, I'm here to tell you that that's a choice and I support you in thinking that. If that's what you believe, I personally don't, but I can tell you big is unhealthy. And if you want to be healthy and be around um, to see your kids, your grandkids, your whatever, if you just want to, you know, live a better life, then it's time to really, you know, lose the fucking weight, stop the excuses, stop the bullshit and lose the weight once and for all.

Jonathan :

And my method is totally sustainable, you know and again, I call it a method because I don't know what else to call it you know, for all those people out there that say, oh, you know that's, you're not, you know it's. Uh, you know it's, so it's. You're not telling me anything, I don't know. Yeah, I'm not telling you anything, you don't know. I just put it all in one place so you could wrap your fucking brain around it, you know, I mean, I mean there's. I'm not telling you anything you don't know.

Jonathan :

I am giving you tips on how to eat mindfully and I am giving you some mental tips because I do believe that in a weight loss journey, the mental game is probably more important than the physical game. Like I, I always say you can't out exercise a bad diet. You can't. You know, you can't do more exercise if you're eating like shit and think you're going to lose weight. It just doesn't work that way. It's all about the food that you're eating, and the food that you're eating is based on the choices that you're making.

Jonathan :

So if you want to get my uh, my simple and easy ebook called why you're still a fat fuck, go to learn. shutupandchoose. com and it'll take you right there. Um, so that kind of wraps it up for the day. Short one today, but you know, I think it was something that needed to be said. The whole fat beach day thing is a fucking joke. Lose the fucking weight. So again, if you want to lose weight and get yourself healthy and do all those things that you know you need to be doing, here's my words of advice Shut up and choose, you've been listening to Shut Up and Choose.


Jonathan's passion is to share his journey of shedding 130 pounds in less than a year without any of the usual gimmicks no diets, no pills. And we'll let you in on a little secret no fucking gym, and guess what? You can do it too. We hope you enjoyed the show. We had a fucking blast. If you did, make sure to like, rate and review and review. We'll be back soon, but in the meantime, find Jonathan on Instagram at JonathanWrestlerBocaRaton. Until next time, shut up and choose.

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