Shut Up And Choose

Cut the Crap: Exposing the Lies We Tell Ourselves About Weight Loss

Jonathan Ressler Season 1 Episode 14

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Can you really be "fat but healthy"? Spoiler alert: No, and we're breaking down why on today's episode of "Shut Up and Choose." Join me, Jonathan Ressler, as I share my raw, unfiltered journey of losing 135 pounds without any magic pills, gym memberships, or trendy diets. With candid discussions and a no-nonsense approach, we cut through the industry's gimmicks and confront the real reasons behind obesity, debunking myths and challenging the excuses that keep us from living healthier lives.

Ever blamed your weight on a slow metabolism or lack of time for exercise? Let’s get real—those are just excuses. I talk about my own experiences with congestive heart failure and the stark realization that my weight was killing me. We explore the emotional and physical burdens of obesity, emphasizing that true self-love means taking care of your health. From the pitfalls of so-called "fat beach days" to the importance of mindful eating, this episode is packed with insights that urge you to face hard truths and make sustainable changes.

Discover the crucial difference between effort and hard work in weight loss. It's not about depriving yourself or going on fad diets. It's about consistently making small, smart choices every day. Drawing from my struggles and successes, we'll explore how to take ownership of our actions and move away from quick fixes towards a balanced lifestyle. Whether you need a dose of tough love or are ready for transformative advice, this episode provides the practical steps and motivational push to help you achieve lasting health and happiness.

Get my new eBook Why You Are Still A Fat Fuck here. Tell Me Why

Speaker 1:

If you're a whiny snowflake that can't handle the truth, is offended by the word fuck and about 37 uses of it in different forms gets ass hurt. When you hear someone speak the absolute, real and raw truth, you should leave Like right now. This is Shut Up and Choose, the podcast where we cut through the shit and get real about weight loss, life and everything in between. We get into the nitty gritty of making small, smart choices that add up to big results. From what's on your plate to how you approach life's challenges. We'll explore how the simple act of choosing differently can transform your health, your mindset and your entire freaking life. So if you're ready to cut through the bullshit and start making some real changes, then buckle up and shut up, because we're about to choose our way to a healthier, happier life. This is Shut Up and Choose. Let's do this Now. Your host, jonathan Ressler.

Speaker 2:

Hey, welcome back to Shut Up and Choose the podcast that cuts through the bullshit and the fat diets, quick fixes and all those unrealistic weight loss promises. I'm your host, jonathan Ressler, and I'm here to share the brutally honest truth which, if you've listened to me before, you know that I am brutally honest. After I lost 135 pounds without resorting to any diet shots, pills, supplements or not even the gym, I kind of figured out that the key to success in the weight loss journey is in making small, smart choices every day, consistently and kind of embracing this healthy and balanced lifestyle. You know, at 60 years old, I've been around the weight loss thing for a long time and of course you know the landscape is filled with bullshit, promises, gimmicks, quick fixes and all kinds of stuff, and everyone's got their magic pill, some revolutionary new diet or you know not that I would ever look at this, but the latest workout that's guaranteed to make you drop like 10 pounds in 10 minutes. You know all kinds of crap, but here's the truth. We all know that most of it is nonsense and that's why I'm here and I'm kind of positioning myself as the voice of reason in this crazy weight loss industry, because the truth is. I'll tell you what others won't and I'll cut through the bullshit and tell you the truth. I'm going to call you out. I'm going to do a whole bunch of shit, but I call myself out at the same time. So if you have thin skin or you know, you don't want to know, you don't want to face the reality that you're a fat fuck, this probably isn't the podcast for you, but if you're willing to, you know, kind of, finally face the facts and you know and become personally accountable, I think there's a lot here for you. So here we go Today.

Speaker 2:

I want to start out by, you know, talking about that rant that I had last week on the on these, this phenomenon called fat beach days. I mean, I'm still stunned by it. I'm not going to spend any time talking about it today, but what I will say is people that go to fat beach days, they're just lazy. Okay, I mean they're lazy, they're creating and you're. I know people are gonna go fucking nuts when I say they're lazy, but they are. And I was lazy and I put myself in that category, not because I would ever go to a fat beach day, because there's no fucking way I'd ever go to one of those. But they're lazy and it's just another excuse why not to do things. Oh well, hey, now you know, now I can be comfortable with beach because I could be about, you know, around a bunch of other fucking whales. Well, the truth is, you're fucking lazy and you can do things about it.

Speaker 2:

And as a fat guy, a lifelong fat guy, let me just say I'm still fat. I'm six foot three, 270, some odd pounds. I mean, no one's saying that I'm thin, but I'm getting healthier every day and I'm not. You know, I'm not trying to get down to a goal weight and I'm not trying to get anywhere specific. I'm just trying to be healthier and I'm losing weight along the way. I don't want to be a fucking muscle head, you know, like big body builder type. You know, I'm very happy, very happy, having an ab instead of abs. I mean, I want to live a livable life, you know what I mean. I don't want to spend hours in gym.

Speaker 2:

I am definitely exercising more now, as I've told you, but you know, at the end of the day, I just want to have a livable lifestyle and be happy in what I'm doing. So what I figured out was that, you know, I kind of was lying to myself for a lot of years. You know, I started this thing when I was on my 59th birthday and I was lying to myself and giving myself, you know, letting myself get away with those fucking lies. So I didn't have to be personally accountable. You know, forget being accountable to anybody else. I didn't have to be personally accountable, you know, forget being accountable to anybody else. I didn't have to be accountable to myself.

Speaker 2:

And that really is where this whole thing starts. I mean, if you can't be accountable to yourself, if you can't admit that you're fat, if you can't admit that you don't like being fat and you'd rather be thin, for any, you know, maybe it's, you know, purely for physical any, you know, maybe it's, you know, purely for physical reasons. You know, maybe it's for appearance, maybe it's for health, but whatever, I think all of us really, you know, would rather be fit than fat.

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean, there's no two ways about it. As you know, if you read my book, I called my company Big Fat and I embraced the whole fat thing. But at the end of the day, you know, I'm much happier now that I'm more fit I wouldn't say I'm fit, you know, I'm not an exercise guy but my health is so much better and I feel better and I look better and all those things and the only thing that was holding me back from achieving what I've now achieved and I'm still working toward my goal, so I'm still a fat guy, but the only thing that was holding me back from achieving that, from being successful on my weight loss journey, was the lies that I was telling myself. And I'm convincing, I'm a good salesman I convince myself that all these lies are true. So I'm going to go through 10 or so lies that fat people love to tell themselves and it's very easy to sell yourself on it and I sold myself on them. So I'm going to, you know, start out and just kind of, you know, I guess you know, expose me and expose you on the lies that you're telling yourself on why you're fat. And I just want to say I mean I'm not saying this to be mean, it's about being real, right, I mean, I'm just being real here. I'm telling you this shit that no one else would tell you. But if you want to keep lying to yourself, go ahead. But if you're ready to face the truth and actually do something about it, let's talk, okay?

Speaker 2:

So the number one lie that we tell ourselves is my slow metabolism is what makes me fat. Oh, come on, give me a break. The truth is, your metabolism is not slow. Your excuses are just really fast, right? So blaming your metabolism is a classic cop-out. I did it, you know. I mean, unless you got some medical condition that you've actually been diagnosed with, your metabolism is just fine, you know. You know what's not fine your ability to say no to that extra slice of cake or that donut or that candy, and guilty as charged, I'm saying it. But if you really believe, if you really believe that your metabolism is the problem, then go to a doctor and get tested. But I promise you most likely you don't have a problem with your metabolism. You have a problem with your mouth, okay. So, yeah, I, you know, I don't know what to tell you there, but that's a lie that I told myself and a lot of fat people tell themselves.

Speaker 2:

The second lie is exercise is the best way to lose weight. Well, you know how I feel about exercise, but the truth is weight loss is kind of 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can do it with zero exercise, because I'm living, walking, breathing proof that it can be done. I lost the first 125 or 30 pounds with literally no exercise. None, zero, zip, zed, nada, nunca, nothing, okay, I did no exercise other than the regular little bit of walking that I was doing, which was in 2023, was only not an average of 931 or 932 steps a day. That's barely getting out of bed. So, yeah, exercise is important and I'm doing more now than I ever did.

Speaker 2:

But if you're really fat and you can't exercise, you can do it just by looking at what's on your plate. So if you think that you can out exercise a bad diet, think again, because the reality is you'd probably have to run a marathon to burn off like a cheeseburger and fries. You know I mean, and, and guess what, you ain't running any marathons. I sure shit was, and I was barely walking across the, you know, across the room without being winded.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I mean, look, the bottom line is you got to focus on eating like you know real food and making small, smart choices, cutting down your portions because I promise you're not as hungry as you think you are and you're eating more than you think you are and really cut out like you know real food and making small, smart choices, cutting down your portions because I promise you're not as hungry as you think you are and you're eating more than you think you are and really cut out like, if you can, sugary drinks, snacks, all that shit that we eat, because, at the end of the day, your diet is absolutely positively, the main player.

Speaker 2:

It has nothing to do with the amount that you exercise. Okay, so number three is kind of like number one, but it's. I'm fat because of my genes and the truth of the matter is that genetic predisposition doesn't mean being predestined to be fat, okay. So, again, blaming your genes is an easy way out, you know, and I'm not saying genes don't play some role, but what I can tell you they don't do is they don't force food down your fucking throat, right, you know it's time to be honest, man.

Speaker 2:

You know, your genes may have some little tiny role in the thing, but, you know, unless, like, your family tree has like one branch that's a cookie monster, it's not your genes, it's your lifestyle choices that are kind of making the difference there. So, you know, use small smart choices and think about that. It's, I promise you, it's not your genes. It might be your J-E-A-N-S genes, because they're so fucking tight you can't walk, but it's not your G-E-N-E-S genes. All right, so number four to lose weight, I have to have a special diet. That one's great, right, like it's. It's got to be different. And I found every different diet under the sun. You know whether it. You know, I mean whether it was keto, paleo, atkins, south Beach, juicing, noom, mediterranean, name it. I fucking did it. Okay, there is no magic bullet. The best diet is the one that you can stick to, right the way I eat. It's easy to stick to because I'm not on a diet, I'm just eating. I'm conscious, I'm thinking, I'm present, you know, and thinking about everything that I put, you know, into my mouth. So here, really, the key is making those small smart choices, because it's really sustainable and it's really easy. And if you don't think it's easy. Go fuck yourself, because I'm telling you it is easy. It does require some effort, but it doesn't require hard work and it doesn't require discipline and it doesn't require willpower. All it requires is making these little choices, you know. So the key is making it livable. You know that's part of my real goals. But make it livable. You know, you don't have to suffer through some meal planning, your meal plans or exercise regimen. I mean, it's not about suffering, man, it's about making small, smart choices and living with what you're doing and making it livable.

Speaker 2:

All right, so the next one is one that I convince myself of all the time, and that's carrying extra fat isn't really bad for me. Yeah, I mean, that's craziness, okay, the truth there is excess fat increases your risk for a ton of health problems. Unfortunately for me, I found that out the hard way. I mean, I was. You know well you. You know my story. I mean I was in the hospital, I was ready to die, you know I mean.

Speaker 2:

So if you think that you know excess fat isn't bad for you, tell that to your heart, to your joints, to your insulin level. I mean, grant, I was somehow lucky. The one thing that I was spared was. I didn't get diabetes. I don't know how to be perfectly honest, but you know, I think I was pre-diabetic, whatever that means. So, but I didn't have diabetes.

Speaker 2:

I never had to take insulin, but I mean, you know it it it wreaks havoc on your body and excess fat, especially around, like your organs, that's a ticking time bomb. That's where I was. I mean, I had congestive heart failure, which means there was like water around my, my heart, and it was. You know, it was. It was killing me literally. It was killing me literally. It was killing me and I kept convincing myself it's not the fat. So if you believe that carrying extra weight is harmless, you're in for a rude awakening. I mean, take it from someone who knows I was fat for a long time and for a long time I was able to pull it off, I guess physically in my body. But you know, it's fucking bad for you. You got to stop that, all right.

Speaker 2:

The next one is I'm okay being obese. I mean, I talked about that and I said you know, look, I named my company Big Fat and I really embrace the fat lifestyle and you know, like I never said it bothered me. But you know, the reality is deep down. We all know that isn't true. We'd all rather be more fit. I'm not saying we want to be thin or skinny, because I honestly I don't. I just want to be fit. You know, like I don't want to have a big belly sticking out in front of me, I don't want to be winded when I walk down the street or across the room. I mean I just want to be more fit and I want to be healthy. Maybe one day you know, I'm really sick, but I'm, you know, my my goal is to be more fit every day, to be healthier every day.

Speaker 2:

So if you tell yourself that you're okay being obese, I mean I like, I, I said it, so you might say you are. But you know, cut the bullshit right. Being fat isn't just a physical burden, it's an emotional one too. I mean we definitely suffer emotionally. So you know, I don't know not to be all fucking kumbaya, but I figured out that if I really wanted to love myself and I really wanted to be around but really loving yourself means taking care of yourself, you know, and not settling for being unhealthy and not making excuses about being unhealthy.

Speaker 2:

And if you, you know, if you're listening to this, I would urge you to take some time and really be honest with yourself and tell yourself how you feel about your weight and your health. And I promise you, if you look in the mirror which I was masterful at not doing I could literally, like I said in my book, I could shave and brush my teeth and not see myself in the mirror. But here's a little fucking tip man. Here's a spoiler. The mirror doesn't lie. That's why I was so good at avoiding it. So take a look at yourself in the mirror and let me know if you're okay with being fat, if you are great for you. But I can tell you, 99.99999% of people in the world would rather not be obese.

Speaker 2:

Okay, here's the next one. That's very similar, but you know, I've heard people say it and, god knows, I told myself this a thousand times I'm fat, but I'm healthy, you know. You know, like saying you're fat and healthy is a contradiction, right? It's the biggest oxymoron of all. Being fat and healthy is, like you know, I don't know, like being a smoker for 10 years and saying I have healthy lungs. I mean, yes, you might not have any symptoms of whatever illness is brewing inside of you right now, but give it time because I promise you, the long-term effects of being fat will catch up with you as I learned the hard way, man, for you know, for my whole life I was fat.

Speaker 2:

And then I, you know, and I was fine, you know, I got around, I did, you know, whatever. But the fatter I got as I got older, all that shit started catching up with me, you know, and it put me in the hospital a bunch of times. And, you know, I can say what I want. I can say, you know, whatever, and you can say whatever you want, but at the end of the day, you know that it's fucking killing you inside. Okay, the next one, one that I used all the time my medication is what makes me fat, you know, please, man. I mean, I'm not saying medications, you know, can't contribute to your weight, but lifestyle choices, you know, you're not making the small smart choices, you're shoving shit down your throat. That's what makes the difference.

Speaker 2:

I was great at that excuse because I took a lot of prednisone, you know, and because I had uncontrolled gout and prednisone was one of the few things that gave me relief. And the great news for me with prednisone is, even though it's fucking brutal on your body over the long term. It makes your bones brittle and weak and one of the things that happens, you get this thing called prednisone face, which means your face gets really round and it definitely makes you retain weight. I mean, it is one of those drugs that makes you retain weight. It didn't make me retain 411 fucking pounds. I mean maybe a pound or two and maybe my face got a little bit rounder. But but let me tell you, um, they weren't the reason that I was fat, it was what I was eating and the lack of activity that I was doing, and I mean those are really significant facts.

Speaker 2:

Now I will tell you. I mean, like, if you're taking, there are drugs that definitely make you, you know, retain some weight, and if that's like a concern of yours, it was for me to be honest, you know, in private, but it was a great excuse in my head. But, you know, go talk to your doctor and ask if there's some other stuff, you know another brand of that medication or another type of medication that will. You know that that might not make you retain as much weight, but the reality is the little bit of weight that any drug is making you keep on or put on is insignificant. You're fat because of your fucking choices. Great excuse. I used it all the time, guilty as charged.

Speaker 2:

Here's another lie that we like to tell ourselves I've tried everything, but nothing works. Well, that's not true, even if I just think about it in my own case. Right, diets work, man Diets work. They're just not sustainable, right, so you go on a diet for a few months, you lose a shitload of weight, but you can't keep it off, because sustainable weight loss takes time and consistency. Right, you have to make those small, smart choices. So I would say to you, and I'm saying to me, really, you tried everything. Have you ever tried consistency? Have you tried patience? You know I hopped from one quick fix diet to another without real. I mean, I gave it the time but I didn't give it the. You know the commitment that it took. And again, you know those fad diets, those things where you lose a lot of weight quickly. You know they're, they're a quick fix, but you can't fucking live that way. You can't do it for the rest of your life. You have to learn how to eat properly.

Speaker 2:

And it takes some effort, okay, and there's a big difference between effort and work. Okay. Effort just means that you're. You know you got to make an effort to go to the grocery store. You got to make an effort to take a shower in the morning. That's not hard work. Well, for me, honestly, it was hard work. Like going to the grocery store. I'd sit in the handicap cart and ride around because it was fucking hard work for me. But that was because I wasn't willing to put in the effort that it took to actually get my weight under control, right. So I'm going to say it again, because people go crazy when I say fucking, losing weight is easy. I didn't say it's effortless. It takes effort, but it doesn't have to be a torture chamber. And it's not hard work. Okay, it's not. You know, like you know, laying pavement on the highway, man, that seems to be hard work. Like being a moving guy, that's fucking hard work. I mean, that's physical labor.

Speaker 2:

Losing weight is easy, in the grand scheme of things, if you're committed to doing it consistently and doing it intelligently, not jumping on a fat diet, but actually you know doing something that that that works. You know doing something that you can live with. So another one, and I'll make this the last one, I guess, because, um no. The last one is you know, I barely eat and I can't seem to lose weight. You know how many fucking times I said I barely eat anything, you know, except for a donut here between this meal, and maybe I'll get an ice cream over there and some candy and like told you when I lived in north carolina I was drinking fucking gallons of sweet tea. That's total bullshit.

Speaker 2:

If you're not losing weight, you're eating more than you think. Right? I mean that's the bottom line, right? If I had a dollar for every time that I told myself that man, I'd be a fucking trillionaire. I mean, you're like, I hate to break the bad news to you, but I hate to break the bad news to you, but you're not special. You're not defying the laws of you know physics or the physical world. If you're not losing weight, you're just eating more than you think. I mean that's it. There's no two ways about it.

Speaker 2:

As we've discussed many times, losing weight is just less calories in than you burn. Yeah, I mean. So it's like mindless snacking, the sugary drinks and definitely portion control. I mean those are the most likely culprits, you know. I mean I didn't do this because, like I said to you a million times. You fucking know what to do, and I knew what to do. I didn't need to count my calories.

Speaker 2:

But if you're one of those people that really believes that no matter what you eat, you can't lose, or you barely eat and you can't lose weight, give me a fucking break. I'll tell you what to do. Write down everything you eat, everything you eat, everything you eat and drink, for you know a week, and see where you find all the shit that you'll be like oh my god, I didn't. Wow, there's a lot of shit that you're quote-unquote, forgetting to count. So I mean, that's a bullshit excuse or bullshit lie that we tell ourselves. So you know it's. I'm guilty of every single one of them, and so are you. But how do we like, or how did I? You know, I don't know about you guys. I don't know where you are on your journey, thank.

Speaker 2:

Thankfully, a lot of people email me and tell me that they're doing really well, which, honestly, is fucking awesome to me. But, um, but I mean like here's, here's how I did it, you know I mean. So, look, the first and absolutely most important thing that I did was I took ownership, right, I said, okay, I'm not making good choices and I'm going to own the fact that I'm a fat fuck. Okay, I'm going to own the fact that. You know I've been on a million diets. I'm lazy, I don't want to do hard work. That's why I go for the fad diets, because they're easy. You know, someone else tells me how to do it and I just follow it. You know, and that doesn't, that doesn't require a lot of thinking and it doesn't require a lot of effort. You know it's just like oh yeah, I'll just follow the plan. So you know that's bullshit.

Speaker 2:

I had to really take ownership, personal accountability for everything that I put in my mouth and being aware of everything that I put in my mouth. So, when you like, take ownership of your actions, you know, and the decisions that you make. You'll be shocked how easy it is to make better decisions and eat better things and how you don't want all of that bad shit that you've been eating for all these years because you realize, hey, it's really not good for me, it's fucking killing me. So definitely number one.

Speaker 2:

Most important thing, I believe, weight loss is, you know, 90% mental and 10% physical. You got to get your head in the game right. You got to be willing to take ownership for everything you do. Okay, it's not, no one's going to do it for you. There's no fucking magic shot. I mean, yes, there is a magic shot, but the reality is you're going to put that weight back on as soon as you take. Stop taking the magic shot. So learn how to eat, eat mindfully, right, be present when you eat.

Speaker 2:

The other thing you need to do is really focus on diet. Like I said, you know I didn't exercise very much. Well, that's not true. I didn't exercise at all.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so instead of looking for that like that, you know, that miracle exercise routine like, start with looking at what's on your plate. You know, I mean, that's really what it is. You know you gotta like, try to eat food that's good for you, and you're not always going to do that. We, we know about feeding your soul and we know sometimes you're just eating shit that you want to eat. Like you know, I ate Costco hot dogs. You know, I mean I can promise you that they're not the best. You know they don't have the highest nutritional value, but I ate them and I thought about it. I said this is what I'm going to eat right now.

Speaker 2:

So really focus on your diet and fuck exercise. I mean, do it. I'm doing it now and I probably should have done it the whole time, but I didn't. So you can do it without exercise. But I promise you, like I said earlier, there's no way that you can out exercise a bad diet. You can eat, you know, eat whatever the fuck you want, then go to the gym for three hours and you're still not going to burn off enough calories to make it. You know, to make it equal out, you got to focus on what you're eating. That's 80% of the game and you got to find something that's sustainable for you. Look, this is the way I did it, you know, and it may not. You might, you know. It might not be right for you. It's okay, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean, my way is, you know, the small, smart choices, thinking about everything that I put in my mouth. I don't like to follow anyone else's plan and I learned over 59 years that everyone else's plan fucking sucks. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want, and I feel no guilt. I don't feel like I can fail. I feel no, you know, like nothing can stop me. If I make a small bad choice, fuck it. I'll make the next choice. You know, a small, smart choice, and so I'm never in that place where I feel like I failed or I went off the diet or I blew it. You know it's very sustainable for me. It's very easy to do.

Speaker 2:

If I you know, if I eat something, or I know, like you know, july 4th just happened I definitely ate shit that you know wouldn't be. You know, probably ate more than I should have. But big fucking deal, you know I'm back on track. Yeah, I mean so. So you got to find something that's sustainable for you. I promise you, I guarantee you I'd be willing to bet you dollars to donuts.

Speaker 2:

You know I love that phrase that my way is the absolute best way out there. You know why? Because it's a hundred percent natural, and I don't mean natural food, fuck that shit. You know I'm not talking about go eat organic dude. That's not what I'm. It's 100% natural, right? Because you're not following a plan. You eat whatever the fuck you want to eat and you know what to eat. I don't need to tell you, I don't need to give you a plan. You fucking know what to eat. You know when you're putting bad shit in your mouth. There's no one that doesn't right. I mean, you know what to do. So to me, I don't know what's more sustainable than that. I have complete choice of everything that I eat. I can eat it whenever and wherever I want and I feel no guilt when I do it, as long as I go back and make a small smart choice. So you know that that to me, that's important.

Speaker 2:

I, you know, now, these days, I would say, you know as much as it pains me to say it like, move more. You know, like I, I am walking, I'm out there doing a little bit exercise and it makes me feel good, both mentally and physically. You know, I, like I. I said I went from like 930 something steps on average in 2023 and now I'm over 7,000 steps, averaging in 2024. So it's a big difference, but I don't feel like it's a big difference. You know, like I, I I don't go to the gym. You know I, the fucking gym, I just hate the whole idea of the gym. So that's not an exercise that I would do, you know, and it wouldn't make me move more. It would make me move less because I fucking hate it there. So find whatever it is that you like and do it. You know, whether it be you know dancing or you know ice skating or whatever. Whatever you're into swimming, you know they're great. As long as you'll do it, it'll work. So I would definitely say move more. I would definitely say one of the things that I did along my journey that I don't really talk about is I really kind of got it.

Speaker 2:

I educated myself, kind of by mistake, but kind of on purpose too. I don't know really what it was, but I just really started to learn all the health risks that are associated with being fat. I mean, I got force-fed that lesson by my many hospital visits. But I also started reading, you know, and I was like wow, I didn't know that, or I didn't know this or why. Now I know why this happened, or you know. But the bottom line is I went from taking all that medication to take no medication. I went from not being able to literally not be able to walk a hundred feet to be able to walk a couple of miles every day, you know. And, by the way, when it rains or some shit like that and I can't go out, or if I don't feel good in the morning and I'm not going out, then I don't fucking walk, but I walk tomorrow, you know.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, educate yourself, and like when you find out how bad being fat is for you, it gets a lot harder to justify, kind of all the unhealthy shit that you're doing. So I mean, I would definitely say, educate yourself and don't become like a fucking maniac where you have to read everything. That's not what I'm saying, but you know, in your spare time, if you have a few minutes here and there, just google some shit and and see what it says and you'll be amazed at how badly you're abusing your body. Um, this one's really kind of important to me, you know, is be consistent, right. I mean, that doesn't mean be perfect, it means be consistent. Don't jump from one thing to another.

Speaker 2:

You, you know, I mean, you got to stick with this plan. It didn't take you I'm guessing it didn't take you your whole. You know two weeks or three weeks or a month, or even you know three, four months to put on all the weight and you're not going to take it off in two weeks, three weeks or four months or whatever. It's going to take some time. I mean, look, I was putting on the weight for 59 years until I finally decided it was time to do something about it. And I, you know, and I said OK, this is the time I'm going to take, I'm doing it now and I'm going to make it livable.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I consistently made small smart choices and for those of you that know me, you know I'm a fucking nut job. So when I decided that I was going to do it, I did it, man, I did it all out. I tried never to make a bad decision. I tell people now like, hey, look, you know, start out by making small smart choices. You know, for one meal to get going, fuck that man. I did it. I was fucking in with both feet. I'm still in with both feet. I become a little bit more lax, you know, because I do feed my soul from now, you know, from time to time. But you know, be consistent. And if consistent is you know you feed your soul more often than you should, big fucking deal. Just be consistent, right? Make those small smart choices as frequently and consistently as you can. And then I guess I'll wrap it up with this one.

Speaker 2:

But the last one is be honest, right? I mean, stop bullshitting yourself. I bullshitted myself for 59 years. I told myself all those lies that we just went through and I just wasn't honest. I avoided the mirror so I didn't have to be honest. I did anything I could to not be honest with myself about where I was, you know, physically, health wise. I remember I used to, like the doctor would say something to me like you know, well, this is bad, this is bad, but this is good. And I would tell people, yeah, my doctor said I'm healthy as a horse in spite of myself. You know that was me fucking lying to myself. You know. You know I would say, oh, I'm going to start this tomorrow. You know, I can get away with eating no man.

Speaker 2:

Until I started to become really honest with myself and I made myself personally accountable to myself, I couldn't really get there. So you got to be honest. Okay, I mean, be honest with yourself. I'm not telling you to go out and tell the world I'm a fat fuck. No, that's not what I'm saying. But be honest with yourself. I mean really understand where you are and where you want to go, and I'm not going to get into it. But you know I don't believe in a, in a number for a weight loss goal, and I don't believe in a time. I believe in just making yourself healthier today than you were yesterday, and you know as.

Speaker 2:

As far as you know, for me, again, my main goal is to be alive, which I obviously did, but it was about being around for my kids, and you'll find that thing that's most important to you and that should be your goal right to get to that place. So look, at the end of the day, losing weight isn't about finding excuses. It's about finding reasons. Right, find a reason to change. I found my reason. I wanted to be around, you know, to see my grandchildren, if I ever had them.

Speaker 2:

So you really have two choices, right. You can continue to bullshit yourself, which I did for 59 years, or you can face the truth and really take control of your life. I mean, that's it. No one's going to do it for you, it ain't happening, right? If you don't do it, no one is going to do it for you. So the choice is yours.

Speaker 2:

So you know, I guess, stop making all those fucking excuses, stop lying to yourself and shut up and choose the path to a healthier, happier life. I mean, I know you can do it. I know you can do it, because I did it you know and I know it's doable, and I'm talking to people now every day who are doing it. They're making small, smart choices, they're eating what they want and they're losing weight. You can fucking do this thing. You really can. All right. So enough of that. Let me, uh, tell you a few things. One is go buy my book out out on amazon, um, if you haven't bought it already. Number two is you can get my uh, I have a much shorter version of it, a light version called why you're still a fat fuck.

Speaker 1:

I love that title.

Speaker 2:

Um, but you can get that at learnshutup and choosecom Um, and I'll take you there. Uh, I also just want to say thank you for everybody who listens. If you know a fat fuck, or you know, you know anybody that went to fucking whale week I mean fat beach day you know, tell them to listen to my podcast because someone's got to slap them in the fucking mouth. And you know, let them know that. You know, being fat is not okay Health wise. I mean, if you're good with it in your head, I'm telling you you're a fucking liar. But you know, if you convince yourself of that shit which I did for a long time great, you know, god bless you.

Speaker 2:

But the truth of the matter is, most people who are fat, most people who are obese, would rather not be so again, if you know somebody that needs this, if you know someone who needs a kick in the ass I'm that kick in the ass. You know tell them. I'm going to be harsh, I'm going to tell them the truth. I'm going to tell them they're fat. You know, I wish someone did it for me. I wish I didn't have to find out by laying in a hospital bed and praying that I was going to be alive, but that's the way it happened. So now I'm here. That's it for this week, and thanks again for listening. And, as I always say when I'm signing off, shut up and choose.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to shut up and choose. You've been listening to Shut up and choose. Jonathan's passion is to share his journey Of shedding 130 pounds In less than a year Without any of the usual gimmicks no diets, no pills. And we'll let you in on a little secret no Fucking gym. And guess what? You can do it too. We hope you enjoyed the show. We had a fucking blast. If you did, make sure to like, rate and review. We'll be back soon, but in the meantime, find Jonathan on Instagram at JonathanWrestlerBocaRaton. Until next time, shut up and choose.

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