Shut Up And Choose
The No-BS Weight Loss Podcast
The diet industry has been lying to you. They sell you detox teas, meal plans, and magic pills while hoping you stay stuck so they can keep making money. But here’s the truth: You don’t need another diet, another gym membership, or another quick fix.
I lost 140 lbs without dieting, without spending hours in the gym, and without wasting money on weight loss gimmicks. And now, I’m here to show you exactly how you can do it too.
What You’ll Learn:
✔️ How to lose weight without starving yourself
✔️ Why 85% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym
✔️ The easiest ways to cut calories without tracking every bite
✔️ How to break the yo-yo dieting cycle for good
✔️ Why motivation is overrated—and what actually works
✔️ The exact strategies I used to lose 140 lbs and keep it off
No More Excuses. No More Waiting.
Nobody is coming to rescue you. Not your doctor, not some expensive weight loss coach, and definitely not another diet.
The truth is simple: If you want to lose weight, you have to make better choices. But that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated.
No meal plans. No shakes. No gimmicks. Just real, practical strategies that actually work.
If You Are Searching For:
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Shut Up And Choose
The Harsh Truth: Your Choices Made You Fat – Only You Can Change That!
Imagine losing over 140 pounds without a single diet, pill, or gym session. Sounds impossible? It’s not. Join me, Jonathan Ressler, as I debunk the myths surrounding weight loss and share my personal journey of transformation in this eye-opening episode of 'Shut Up and Choose.' I reveal how small, smart decisions in your daily life can lead to monumental changes over time, challenging you to take control and make better choices.
We'll explore how simple swaps like drinking water instead of soda, choosing the stairs over the elevator, and snacking on vegetables can accumulate into significant health improvements. Using real-life anecdotes, we'll highlight the importance of personal responsibility and show how your weight is a direct result of your choices. Listen closely as I discuss the story of a woman who weighed 600 pounds yet claimed to be a picky eater, proving that everyone has the power to change their health trajectory.
The episode wraps up with powerful insights into the role of positive self-talk and the necessity of celebrating small wins. Shifting your mindset from "I can't" to "I can" is pivotal for success. Understand that weight loss is a journey filled with ups and downs, and with patience, consistency, and a supportive environment, you too can achieve remarkable results. Remember to follow me on Instagram at JonathanWrestlerBocaRaton, and don't forget to like, rate, and review the show! Buckle up, take responsibility, and start your journey to a healthier, happier life today.
Get my video course Live Life- Love Food - Lose Weight Get it Here
If you're a whiny snowflake that can't handle the truth, is offended by the word fuck and about 37 uses of it in different forms gets ass hurt. When you hear someone speak the absolute, real and raw truth, you should leave Like right now. This is Shut Up and Choose, the podcast where we cut through the shit and get real about weight loss, life and everything in between. We get into the nitty gritty of making small, smart choices that add up to big results. From what's on your plate to how you approach life's challenges. We'll explore how the simple act of choosing differently can transform your health, your mindset and your entire freaking life. So if you're ready to cut through the bullshit and start making some real changes, then buckle up and shut up, because we're about to choose our way to a healthier, happier life. This is Shut Up and Choose. Let's do this Now.
Speaker 2:Your host, jonathan Ressler. Hey, welcome back to Shut Up and Choose the podcast that cuts through the bullshit and the fad diets, the quick fixes and all those unrealistic weight promises out there. I'm your host, jonathan Ressler, and I'm here to share the brutally honest truth with you about achieving sustainable weight loss. So if you've been on every diet under the sun like I have, or if you paid some fucking coach a ton of money, lost weight but then put it all back on, this is the place you need to be, because I'm going to tell you the truth. I've been around around weight loss not the weight loss industry, but weight loss for 60 years. I've been a fat fuck my whole life until my 59th birthday when I decided to make a change and I lost now over 140 pounds without any diet, no exercise, no shots, no pills, no, nothing else. I just lost the weight through the power of choice, of making small, smart choices, and my whole kind of philosophy is that you know what to eat, you know how to eat it, you know when to eat it. You just choose not to eat it. So that's where kind of where I want to jump in today and start this thing off.
Speaker 2:So one of the things that I say all the time is that you're fat because you choose to be fat, and that just drives people up the wall. People go. I don't choose to be fat, I'm just fat because of my genes. No, if you're fat, I was fat for 59 years, off and on, depending on where I was in my dieting regime and it was always a diet but I was fat because of the choices I made. Whether they were conscious or unconscious, that's irrelevant, but I was fat because of the choices that I made. I chose to eat all the wrong things and I chose not to exercise and I chose to eat late at night and I chose to eat too much and I chose to eat too much and I chose all those things. Those are my choices and again, I don't know for me they were conscious or unconscious, but at the end of the day, that was what I chose, and the result, the destination of those choices, was that I was fat. So if you're fat, it's because you chose and choose to be fat. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The choices you made and continue to make are making or keeping you fat. It's harsh, but it's the truth nonetheless.
Speaker 2:So your choices, in every aspect of your life determine where you are and where you end up. It's not and I'm not telling you this, I'm not blaming you or shaming you because I was fat for 59 years but it's more about empowering you to take control of your life and make better choices. That's the whole thing. I don't preach a diet and I don't preach exercise. I don't preach any of that. My whole thing is really kind of a mind game.
Speaker 2:So if we get first things first, let's get one thing straight your weight is not determined by your genes or your metabolism or any other fucking excuse. I've been telling yourself yes, those factors play some role in your weight, but they don't determine it. So, yeah, they can influence your weight, but they definitely don't determine it. Your choices determine your weight. Your choices are the reason you are where you are. Every meal you eat, every snack you grab on the go, and every time if you're an exercise person, every time you skip the gym, those are all choices you make, and those choices, those bad choices, add up, just like those small, smart choices can add up. So if you're one of those people that feel like you have no control over your weight boo, fucking hoo, that's bullshit you can't blame your busy schedule you're stressed out your genetics or the hundreds of other bullshit factors that you claim control your weight. The truth is, you have more control than you think. In fact, you have complete control. Every time you choose to eat junk food over something healthy, you're making a choice. Every time you choose to sit your fat ass on the couch instead of going out for a walk, you're making a choice. Every time you open your mouth, you're making a choice. So it's time to stop making all those stupid excuses and start to take responsibility for your choices.
Speaker 2:So one of the biggest kind of misconceptions about weight loss and the whole reason the diet industry exists, to be honest, is that people think that weight loss requires some huge, drastic change. Right, that weight loss requires some huge drastic change. Right, I have to cut out all the carbs, or I can only eat meat, or I can only eat this food at this time, or I have to fast for 18 hours and eat for whatever. There's a million diets, there's a million of those misconceptions out there that that is going to be the fix. Right, if I just follow this diet, I'm going to lose weight and, like I always say, you will lose weight, but eventually you'll put it back on.
Speaker 2:So the truth is, when you do that, when you take these drastic changes, as I have, seriously a hundred times in my life I've been on every diet under the sun when you do that, yes, you lose weight, but in the end it's a recipe for disaster, because the key to sustainable weight loss and that's what we want is sustainable weight loss is making small smart choices consistently over time, and those small smart choices add up and lead to huge results. Look, I'm down 140 pounds in 15 or 16 months I don't know how long it really is and I eat whatever the fuck I want, and I eat whenever I want, and I eat things that a traditional diet coach would have a fucking stroke if they know that I eat. But I make those choices consciously, whereas before I guess I was eating unconsciously or maybe I was just ignoring it, but I make those choices consciously. So if I'm going to eat a donut, if I'm going to eat something that a doctor or a weight loss coach would tell you is bad, I eat that because that's what I want to eat at that moment. But the very next choice I make is a small smart choice. So think about it like this Every kind of choice that you make is a small, smart choice. So think about it like this Every kind of choice that you make is a snowflake.
Speaker 2:I used to live in the Northeast. Now I live in Florida, so I don't really know that much about snow anymore. But when I lived in New York it would snow right, and every choice that you make is a snowflake. Once snowflake comes down, it's meaningless, it's tiny, it's insignificant, it means nothing. But when you keep making those small choices, they start to accumulate right. When we were a kid, we would pray for snow days. It would start to snow. We'd be thrilled that it would snow for 15 minutes and it'd be over.
Speaker 2:So but before you know it that those small smart choices are like the snowflakes coming down. Before you know it, you got a snow day. Before you know it, you got this huge snowstorm, two feet of snow, and that's really how weight loss works. It's not about making this one huge change cut out all the carbs or eat this only, or whatever it is. That's not how weight loss works. It's about making a lot of small changes that add up over time. That should be a relief for you to hear because, no, you don't have to do it all at once and you didn't get fat. Your choices that you made didn't get you fat overnight, they took time. So you can make these small choices and really watch them pile up into huge results.
Speaker 2:So let me give you a couple examples, just things that I think are small, smart choices. Number one choose one. Choose water over soda, right? So any whatever sugary drink you drink, whether it's sweet tea or soda or whatever, and I'm even talking about diet soda. Diet soda is a fucking disaster, but that's a topic for another day. But so get rid of those sugary drinks and drink water and that will significantly reduce your calorie intake and in my mind, it will really drastically improve your health. And we'll talk. Everybody knows there's only one way scientifically to lose weight and that is to burn more calories than you consume. And again, another podcast, another day.
Speaker 2:Here's another easy one that I kind of do, but it's really hard in Florida. But this is one that I would definitely do if I lived in a place where there are a lot more multi-story buildings. Take the stairs right. Just opting to walk up the stairs instead of the elevator adds more physical activity over time. It's not hard. I don't know if I could have done it when I weighed 411 pounds, but I sure as shit could do it now. And the thing that I do here because we drive everywhere is that I park further away in the parking lot. You know what is it? An extra 20, 30, 50, 100 steps, whatever the number is, it just gets me moving more.
Speaker 2:Another one I would say is eat smaller portions. I never thought that I could eat. I was the guy that. Why eat one when I can eat two? I'm a big guy. I should be eating two of these. So reducing your portion size definitely helps you eat a lot less calories without feeling deprived. And the truth is I ate. Not only did I eat a lot, but I ate it fast. So I really wasn't even paying attention to my hunger signals. I was just gorging on food.
Speaker 2:Another one that I never thought that I would say, but it's snack on veggies, right, choosing vegetables over chips. I love my chips and I love my candy, but If I can just make some of those choices and again, I'm not telling you I don't eat chips and I'm not telling you I don't eat candy because I do, because I can, because I make these small smart choices every day. But sometimes, instead of eating the chips or the candy or the donut or whatever it is I'm going to eat, I eat vegetables and I have to tell you it makes a really big difference in my overall calorie intake. And, more importantly, nutrients, nutrients right, because it's not just calories. You don't want to just be eating empty calories, you want to eat calories and nutrient rich food. So those are just some stupid small smart choices that you can make very easily without without thinking about it. To me, well, you have to think about them, but without really any heavy lifting.
Speaker 2:So I watched this video the other day. I just totally shifted gears on you. So I watched this video the other day. I just totally shifted gears on you, but I watched this video the other day. Okay, this is like the perfect illustration of the importance of personal responsibility and choices and kind of being aware. So in this video there's a woman who weighs 600 pounds, right, and she tells the doctor that she wants to incorporate more vegetables into her diet, but she's really kind of a picky eater. The doctor's response was he said you weigh 600 pounds, that means you're not a picky eater, but he's right. And this woman believes, at 600 fucking pounds, that she's a picky eater. And don't get me wrong.
Speaker 2:When I was 411 pounds, I thought, crazy shit, like that too. I didn't think I was a picky eater, but I was like, oh, there's nothing I can do. It's time to face reality. It's time to, like, own up to your choices. But the reality is people and I certainly was the same way people don't want to face that reality. They don't want to acknowledge that their choices are the reason they're overweight. That's why everyone gets so pissed off when I say you're fat because you choose to be fat, right? So it's so much easier to blame genetics, metabolism or even society, right? Oh? I see all these ads for this delicious. Whatever it is, it's all bullshit, man, you're fat because of the choices you make. The truth is, your weight is determined by your choices period. End of sentence, no further discussion. So that woman in the video might think she's a picky eater which I gale every time I say that but her weight tells a completely different story.
Speaker 2:So if you think that you're a picky eater or you can't lose weight, or whatever your excuse is, it's time to stop denying the truth and really start taking responsibility for your choices and taking that ownership of your choices. For me and I promise it will be for you was empowering. It means I have the power to change, right? It's not society's fault, it's not my parents' fault because they were fat. It's not society's fault. It's not my parents' fault because they were fat. It's nobody's fault, but my own. So I was fat because of the choices I made. But that means, you know, I figured out I thought this, I said hey, but that also means that I could choose to make different choices and if I choose to make different choices, I'm going to get a different result, right? So I had the power, and you have the power, to change your life one choice at a time. I don't remember who said it, but maybe it was Einstein or Freud, I don't know. But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Speaker 2:If you think that you're going to lose weight, eating, dieting, going to lose weight, eating, dieting, restricting yourself and not learning anything, you're fucking wrong. You have to learn along the way. So how do you make these small, smart choices? Because that's the key. If you've listened to any of my podcasts. You've read anything I've ever written. It's all about making small, smart choices, and it's really easier than you think and you can do it. The great part about it is remember I said small, smart choices, small. They're small choices, right? They don't have to be these huge choices. Okay, this meal I'm going to eat this or I'm not going to eat that. Whatever that choice is, start small, be consistent and really focus on making better choices every single day.
Speaker 2:For me, like I said, I'm a nut job, so I jumped into it. I made small, smart choices every single meal. Once I decided I was in every single meal. Every single time I wanted to reach for something, I said you know what? That's not really in line with my why, and so I'm not going to eat that. So I made those choices. Did I falter here and there? Sure, I made some not so smart choices along the way, but I made more small, smart, good choices than I made small, smart, bad choices.
Speaker 2:So that really what that is is that's basically mindful eating, right? That was thinking about every single thing that I put in my mouth. Every time I opened my mouth, I was present, and I can tell you, most times when I was opening my mouth before I was not present, I would just opened my mouth. I was present and I can tell you, most times when I was opening my mouth before I was not present, I would just open my mouth, eat the food and go on to something else. I really made a commitment to myself, a promise to myself, that every time I opened my mouth I was going to be present, I was going to think about what I was putting in my mouth, I was going to slow down my eating so I could understand when I was satisfied, understand before I got full and nauseous, and I really, really was present. And that was that, for me, is the key.
Speaker 2:If you can make those small smart choices every time you open your mouth, I promise you you will lose weight and a shitload of it, and it'll happen quickly. It will happen quickly. Once I started making those small smart choices, I stopped overeating. I ate half of what I was eating in a traditional meal, so instead of eating having two, I would have one. And I found out if I slowed down and I really thought about it, I was full way before I used to stop in the past. So another thing that you can do. I didn't do this in the beginning because I was so goddamn fat I couldn't walk, but I've been walking quite a bit in the past. So another thing that you can do. I didn't do this in the beginning because I was so goddamn fat I couldn't walk, but I've been walking quite a bit in the last few months.
Speaker 2:Just get out there and get moving. You don't have to spend hours in the gym to get in shape. I still haven't been to the gym. I may get there one day. I really might. I think I would like to go. I think I would like to get put on more muscle mass, but it's not that important to me. But I do go out and I walk every single day. So find something that you like and make it a regular part of your routine. It could be walking, dancing, swimming, yoga I don't know, that's up to you, but the key is to get your body moving and do it on a regular basis.
Speaker 2:Even small amounts of physical activity add up over time. Just like those small smart choices about food add up over time, so does the small amounts of activity. I'll give you a perfect example. Like I said, I did basically no exercise for the first 12 or 13 months Barely walked at all. As I've told people, in 2023. And I started in April of 2023. But in the 2023 calendar year, my average steps were 931 a day. That's really barely even getting out of fucking bed. It's embarrassing to say it, but now my step count is over 7,500 a day, so that those small smart choices that added up for me. Now I'm up to 7,500 steps, and what I was about to tell you was that at first I couldn't walk 7,500 steps, and when I mean at first, I'm talking about when I first started walking. I could walk 2,000 steps. I couldn't walk around my neighborhood, which is, I believe it's about eight-tenths of a mile. I can only walk a quarter of the way and then I would come back and then I slowly built up. It will even your exercise will add up over time and you will see massive increases. I did, I walked 7,500 steps. There are some days when I walked 13,000 steps and I can still do it. 7,500 is my average.
Speaker 2:So another thing that really was absolutely critical for me was I had to set some realistic goals. You know, you know my goal thing is real goals. R is for right now, e is for essential, a is for attainable and l is livable, and I think livable is the absolute most important piece of the thing. So you didn't put on the weight overnight and you're not going to take it off overnight. So don't say, oh, I'm gonna lose 20 pounds this month. That's bullshit. It's not going to take it off overnight. So don't say, oh, I'm going to lose 20 pounds this month. That's bullshit. It's not going to happen. Maybe it'll happen, but it's most likely not going to happen.
Speaker 2:So focus on where you want to be, not your weight, not the number on the scale. The number on the scale doesn't mean shit. It really doesn't. If you want to lose weight, cut off your fucking leg, then you'll lose some weight. What we're trying to do is lose fat. Right, we're not just trying to lose weight or stand on the scale with one foot. You'll fucking weigh less. But the reality is we want to lose fat.
Speaker 2:So make the goals real, attainable and make sure that it's livable. It should fit into your life. It shouldn't be your life. It shouldn't become everything the most important thing in your life Although actually I take that back. It should be the most important thing in your life, but it shouldn't take over your life where you're not doing other stuff. So make sure that you really think about your why. Why do you want to lose this weight? It's not to lose 30 pounds, it's to be healthier. Whatever your why is I have a whole other episode on that. You can listen to it. You want to track your progress to some extent and that helped. It helped me stay accountable and motivated.
Speaker 2:Yes, this, obviously the scale is the obvious one. Right, a lot of people will tell you there's a million opinions on the scale, as a good, as a bad. I weighed myself 435 fucking times a day. I wanted to know everything that I could. Now I weigh myself maybe once a week, but so keep track of your progress. But the better progress for me, the real progress that I was tuned into that I really I don't know if I tracked it, but I really paid attention to was the way I felt. I felt better, my joints hurt less, my clothes were looser. I wore sweatpants and slides because I was so fat, my pants didn't fit and I was so fat that I couldn't tie my shoes. So once I started wearing real clothing and shoes that I had to tie, that's a better indicator. That's a better tracker of success than the number on the scale. I couldn't give a shit about my number on the scale.
Speaker 2:It's all about how I feel and if I'm healthy, and this is about building new habits right. Habits are super powerful. They're kind of things that we do automatically without even thinking about them. For me, the eating part now is definitely a habit. By making those small smart choices about how I eat, I definitely built a habit that sticks. I'm not saying that I don't think about it because I do, but it's very easy for me to maintain.
Speaker 2:And you got to try to break your bad habit, right? So bad habits are look at this shit that's holding back. For me it was. I was always grabbing junk food or snacks when I was stressed out or whatever. I ate at all hours of the night. I got up in the middle of the night and ate ice cream at three o'clock in the morning. So think about those bad habits and figure out how to break them. And small smart choices. Say, I'm just not going to eat that ice cream tonight, or I'm not going to eat that donut right now, or I'm not going to have that piece of cake and dessert. And if you can't not eat in the middle of the night, well then, try to change it to healthier stuff. All right, so eat some vegetables. I mean, they're the essential part of this mind game of teaching yourself how to lose fat.
Speaker 2:So, when it comes to habits, everybody says, oh, it takes 21 days to form a new habit. I'm not sure if I believe that or not. I don't think anything like that is a hard and fast rule, but it's a good guideline, right? So if you can commit to making small, smart choices and healthy choices for 21 days, I promise you'll see results. I don't know if it'll be a habit in 21 days, but you'll be a lot fucking happier. I can tell you that. And, as you know, I believe that mindset plays an absolutely crucial role in this whole journey. Right, and it is a journey, and I'm going to do a podcast episode, because people are saying why do you call it a journey? I'm going to tell you why it's a journey. It's not a fucking race, it's a journey.
Speaker 2:So, but if you believe that you can change, if you believe you can do this, if you believe in yourself, you're much more likely to succeed when you do a diet. You don't believe in yourself. You believe in the fucking diet, right? You believe, hey, I believe if I cut out all carbs I'll lose weight. Or I believe if I go paleo I'll lose weight and you probably will. But once you go off that diet you won't. So if you're constantly telling yourself you can't do it, you're right, then you can't. You're setting yourself up for failure. But if you really start changing the way you talk to yourself and, instead of saying I can't lose weight, say I can make small, smart choices, I can do this. They're just little, tiny things. I can do this.
Speaker 2:And for me, honestly, after a year of it, I used to say I was too lazy to exercise. But now I said you know what, I can find time, I can find a half hour here and there. That positive self-thought is so powerful and it's so good for your confidence and it's so good for your confidence and it's so good for your motivation. Tell yourself you can. I know you can. I'm living proof that you can do it. I was a fat lazy fuck. I was 411 pounds. Every diet under the sun I've been on, I was dying in the fucking hospital and I just said you know what? I can fucking do. This I don't need to take shots and I don't need to get weight loss surgery. I don't need because I have the power to control my choices. I'm a fat motherfucker because of the choices that I make and now that I know that I can change it, I can make better choices.
Speaker 2:And I said before, this is also really important. It was important for me that weight loss is a journey right, it's not a race and it's not a destination. There's going to be ups and downs. You're going to eat things that you're going to feel bad about. You shouldn't, but you will, because I did. It took me a while to get to this mindset and there's going to be setbacks and there's going to be successes. Maybe you'll hit a plateau. For a couple of weeks I did that. I was like, fuck, this sucks. But I kept going. I said I know if I keep doing this, I'm going to win. So you really got to embrace that journey, that mentality, and focus on your progress and not perfection, because there's no such thing as perfect eating.
Speaker 2:The way you're eating, when you're making small, smart choices and thinking about everything you put in your mouth, that's as close to perfect eating as you can get. And when you get on the scale and you're down a pound or a half a pound or five pounds, no matter how small that victory is. Hey, if you make a small smart choice and decide not to eat some greasy bacon cheeseburger which I fucking love. But if you decide not to eat that this meal, you can eat it later because no foods are off limits. You can eat it later because no foods are of limits. You can eat it later. But if you make that choice, celebrate that victory man. That was a victory. If you decide that you're going to have chips and then all of a sudden you go, you know what? I'm just going to eat vegetables that's a victory man. So definitely celebrate those small smart choices.
Speaker 2:It's a journey. It's a journey. It's going to take you time to lose weight. It's not going to take hard work. I promise you it's easy because you're not doing some crazy drastic regime. It's easy, but it takes time, it takes consistency and it takes patience Another one that a lot of people like that I didn't use because I'd failed so many times.
Speaker 2:I didn't want to have to go back and tell people yeah, I fucking fit, yeah, I lost weight, but I failed again. If you have someone that can be a support system for you. Talk to them, let them know. I kept it quiet until I was down about 50 pounds, because no one would know, because I was just eating regular food. I wasn't eating any diet food. I wasn't eating 100 calorie packs, I wasn't eating any of that shit. I was eating anything I chose.
Speaker 2:But support is definitely important. My kids had told me for years you got to lose weight. You got to lose weight, dad, you got to lose weight and I never did it. So I was kind of scared to tell them truthfully that yeah, hey, I'm on a weight loss thing, because their answer would be like great, and then in my mind, in the back of they would be like, yeah, oh, he's doing it again, but he won't. He'll fall off it. So, bottom line if you have someone that's going to support you, by all means share it them. But I would get going.
Speaker 2:So, look, I'm going to end with this, because the bottom line again is if you're fat, it's because you choose and chose to be fat, period. Your choice is to determine your weight and, honestly, your overall health. So it's time, right now, to take responsibility and start making better choices. It's that simple. It's not about making these huge, drastic changes, cutting shit out of your life. It's not about that. It's about making small, smart choices, consistently over time.
Speaker 2:You have the power to change your life, you do. You have the power to change your life just one small smart choice at a time. You do. You have the power to change your life just one small smart choice at a time. So that's why I named my book Shut Up and Choose. Shut up about all the things that are keeping you fat. No, you're fat because of your choices. So shut up and choose. Choose to eat healthier, choose to move more and choose to take control of your life. You got this. I promise you got this and I know, like I said, I'm living proof. I am so sure that if you make these small smart choices, you will succeed. So that's it Again.
Speaker 2:I'm going to end by saying if you're fat, you're fat because of the choices you made. If you don't like that tough shit, it's the truth. You're fat because of the choices you made and you're choosing to be fat. But the good news is you can, since you're making choices. You have the choice to make better choices. So go and do it. Get it done.
Speaker 2:If you want to learn more about my story, you can buy my book on Amazon. I'm thrilled it's all of a sudden selling like wildfire right now, which I'm really excited about. If you know people, I always end with this and say you know, if you know some fat fuck that needs a kick in the ass, tell them to listen to my podcast. I'm harsh, I use profanity, I'm brutally honest. I say shit that people don't want to hear, but some people need a kick in the ass. Honestly, I wish I had a kick in the ass when I first started on this journey, so tell them to tune in. At any rate, that wraps up for the day, and I'll end it the way I always do Shut up and choose.
Speaker 1:You've been listening to Shut Up and Choose. Jonathan's passion is to share his journey of shedding 130 pounds in less than a year without any of the usual gimmicks no diets, no pills. And we'll let you in on a little secret no fucking gym. And guess what? You can do it too. We hope you enjoyed the show. We had a fucking blast. If you did, make sure to like, rate and review. We'll be back soon, but in the meantime, find Jonathan on Instagram at JonathanWrestlerBocaRaton. Until next time, shut up and choose.