Shut Up And Choose
The No-BS Weight Loss Podcast
The diet industry has been lying to you. They sell you detox teas, meal plans, and magic pills while hoping you stay stuck so they can keep making money. But here’s the truth: You don’t need another diet, another gym membership, or another quick fix.
I lost 140 lbs without dieting, without spending hours in the gym, and without wasting money on weight loss gimmicks. And now, I’m here to show you exactly how you can do it too.
What You’ll Learn:
✔️ How to lose weight without starving yourself
✔️ Why 85% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym
✔️ The easiest ways to cut calories without tracking every bite
✔️ How to break the yo-yo dieting cycle for good
✔️ Why motivation is overrated—and what actually works
✔️ The exact strategies I used to lose 140 lbs and keep it off
No More Excuses. No More Waiting.
Nobody is coming to rescue you. Not your doctor, not some expensive weight loss coach, and definitely not another diet.
The truth is simple: If you want to lose weight, you have to make better choices. But that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated.
No meal plans. No shakes. No gimmicks. Just real, practical strategies that actually work.
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Shut Up And Choose
The Real Heavyweights of Denial: Why Fat Activists Are Pushing a Dangerous, Deadly Agenda
What if society's embrace of body positivity is actually harming our health? Join me, Jonathan Ressler, as I challenge the norms surrounding fat activism and the sweeping calls for a Fat Equality Bill of Rights. This episode unpacks the controversial views that have sparked heated debates around obesity and personal responsibility. I argue that being overweight is not a disease but a result of personal choices, and I aim to inspire listeners to embrace practical changes for a healthier lifestyle. Let's cut through the noise together and reconsider what true empowerment looks like.
We'll also explore the complex web of influences from the medical industry to social media that have perpetuated the acceptance of obesity as the norm. My frustration with the medical industry's hesitance to address obesity head-on is palpable, as is my critique of social media influencers who promote unhealthy lifestyles under the guise of body positivity. As we discuss the implications of events like FatCon, I share insights from my own weight loss journey and resources from my book and video course to encourage listeners to prioritize their well-being. This episode promises a candid discussion on the hard truths about obesity, urging a shift from societal accommodations to personal accountability for genuine health progress.
Get my video course Live Life- Love Food - Lose Weight Get it Here
If you're a whiny snowflake that can't handle the truth, is offended by the word fuck and about 37 uses of it in different forms gets ass hurt. When you hear someone speak the absolute, real and raw truth, you should leave Like right now. This is Shut Up and Choose, the podcast where we cut through the shit and get real about weight loss, life and everything in between. We get into the nitty gritty of making small, smart choices that add up to big results. From what's on your plate to how you approach life's challenges. We'll explore how the simple act of choosing differently can transform your health, your mindset and your entire freaking life. So if you're ready to cut through the bullshit and start making some real changes, then buckle up and shut up, because we're about to choose our way to a healthier, happier life. This is Shut Up and Choose. Let's do this Now. Your host.
Speaker 2:Jonathan Ressler, welcome back to Shut Up and Choose, the podcast where we cut the noise and the nonsense of the diet industry and all those internet gurus and nut jobs are spewing at you telling you how you should lose weight, what you you telling you how you should lose weight, what you should do and how you should do it. But today I want to talk about something a little bit different. I'm Jonathan Ressler, I'm your host and, like I said, today I want to talk about something different. I want to talk about this thing called fat activism. I'm just I'm stunned by this movement.
Speaker 2:I was scrolling through Instagram yesterday or the day before, and I came across this person that is advocating for this thing called the Fat Equality Bill of Rights. I'll get a little bit more into that in a second. I'll tell you who it is and just why. It's the most asinine, ridiculous and dangerous fucking thing I've ever heard in my life. So look, I get it okay. Everybody deserves respect. I was a big fat guy. I definitely deserve respect. No one should be bullied or be made fun of for their weight. But let's be real. There's a massive difference between treating people with dignity and demanding that society and everybody else bends over backwards to accommodate poor health choices. I can say that I made him for a long time. So now I see this woman named and I may be saying this wrong but Jalyn Chaney, and her Fat Equality Bill of Rights which, if we're being honest, is basically a demand list for the world to coddle obesity rather than to encourage people to take charge of their own health. And this isn't about fairness, it's about entitlement. It's the equivalent of smokers demanding the return of smoking sections on airplanes. Right If people with bad habits expect everyone else to make their lives easier instead of making the simple, obvious changes that would actually improve their health? So I want to break this nonsense down a little bit, I guess piece by piece.
Speaker 2:First and foremost, fat is not a disease. It's a choice period. You've heard me say it. People get pissed off when I say it, but it's the truth. Being fat is a choice. People love to say obesity is a disease, like it snuck on them in the night, like the flu. No, no, sorry. Being fat isn't something that just happens to you. It's the result of consistent daily choices.
Speaker 2:Look, we all know it's calories in versus calories out. Science hasn't changed, no matter how much the activists try to rewrite reality. The science is simple Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight, period. There is no other recipe. There is no other way to do it. So yeah, some people might have slower metabolisms. Probably not, I guarantee you, 99.999% of the people who say they have a slow metabolism. If they went to the doctor, they'd find out they don't have a slow metabolism. Some people might have some medical conditions. It's possible, but guess what? No medical condition defies the laws of physics.
Speaker 2:If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight every single time. Period, end of sentence. You will lose weight every single time. It's worth saying that again. So look, if you're eating 3,500 calories a day just to maintain a weight of, let's say, 350 pounds, as this Jalen Chaney likely does, then the simple truth is you're overeating by a lot. And how did I come to that number? Well, the easy calculator for how many calories you need to maintain your current weight is just take your body weight and multiply it by 10. And I'm guessing I can't say that for a fact, but she's at least 350. So if you just cut 500 calories a day, which is, I don't know, like skipping a large soda and maybe a handful of French fries, you'd lose one pound per week doing absolutely nothing else. That's 52 pounds a year without even hitting the gym, without doing anything. It's simple math. We all know that to gain a pound, to lose a pound, you have to either add 3,500 more calories a week or take away 3,500 calories a week, and that's to lose one pound a week. A pound is equal to about 3,500 calories. So if she or someone who weighs 350 pounds would just eat 500 calories less a day without doing anything else, they would lose a pound a week. It's just time to stop pretending that weight loss is some mythical, impossible feat. It's not. It's a choice period.
Speaker 2:The second thing that I think is just crazy about her whole weight loss or weight equality, whatever the fuck it's called. Accommodating obesity encourages more of it. Jaylene's fat bill rights is basically a wish list of special privileges for fat people. She wants bigger airplane seats, specially designed furniture, extra large medical equipment, more access in public spaces and a whole bunch of other things. Do you see the problem there? Instead of encouraging people to get healthier, this is pushing for the world to restructure itself around obesity as if it's like a permanent, unchangeable condition. Imagine if we did that for every other preventable health issue. It's just crazy. Imagine, like the smoking equality bill of rights because smokers should get extra air purifiers anywhere they go. The alcoholic bill of rights because bars should be required to install extra comfy drunk tanks. The couch potato bill of rights because we need escalators in the gym so people don't get too tired. It sounds ridiculous, right? Well, so is this? The answer to obesity isn't bigger chairs, it's fucking smaller bodies.
Speaker 2:Third thing is weight discrimination is just consequences in disguise. One of the biggest talking points of the fat activism movement is weight discrimination. You know what weight discrimination actually is. It's called fucking reality. If you can't fit in an airplane seat lose weight. If you're too big for a ride amusement park lose weight. Can't use medical equipment lose weight. Struggling to walk long distances lose weight. I know that fixes it all, because I had all four of those problems and I lost weight and they all went away. That's not discrimination, it's cause and effect. If you make a choice that impacts your body, you have to deal with the consequences. That's life.
Speaker 2:Yet according to this Jay Lynn woman, expecting people to live within the normal limitations of physics is somehow unfair. Well, here's a little newsflash for you Airplanes and seats aren't too small, you're too fucking big. The rest of us don't need to pay extra because you refuse to make changes. The rest of us don't have to be uncomfortable because you refuse to make changes. I get it, man. Like you know, I was a big fat motherfucker 411 pounds. When I flew on planes. I definitely made man. Like you know, I was a big fat motherfucker 411 pounds. When I flew on planes, I definitely made people uncomfortable. I'll tell you, I just took a flight and I wanted to sit on the aisle and Vicky wanted to sit in the window. So we had a middle seat that we were hoping no one would take. Sure enough on walks. A guy got to be about 300, maybe 350 pounds and all of 5'2 or 5'3. He sits down right between us. It was the most uncomfortable, miserable flight I've ever taken in my life. Now I could say, yeah, it's not his fault, but it is his fault. The motherfucker chose to get that fat. I know because I made those same choices and then I made the choices to change it. So it's just, it's crazy. If you're too big, the rest of us don't need to be uncomfortable because you're too lazy and yes, I fucking said it You're too lazy to make a change.
Speaker 2:Another thing that pisses me off is that the medical industry actually enables this insanity. Let's talk about one of the biggest accomplices in this obesity acceptance movements, and that is the medical industry. Instead of doctors giving patients the truth, like you need to lose weight or you're going to have a heart attack, we now have medical permission, scared of hurting people's feelings. Instead of solution, we get fat friendly doctors who avoid discussing weight loss. I mean that I don't even know how that could fall within the hippocratic oath. I mean you owe it to your patients. Tell them, hey, you need to lose weight. I'm not saying that they're going to hear it and do it, because my doctors told me for years I need to lose weight. I didn't do it until I was good and ready, until I decided on my why, until I decided I won't take control of my health.
Speaker 2:You have pharmaceutical companies pushing weight loss drugs instead of addressing lifestyle changes. We all know that if you take Ozempic or Gove or whatever there's a whole host of those drugs you'll lose weight for sure, but as soon as you stop taking them, you're going to put all the weight back on. Go find me a study that says anything else. You won't find one. You also. Now we have health experts who are downplaying the risk of obesity to avoid the backlash from activists. And the result? Well, it's more obesity, of course, more people dying of preventable diseases, more strain on the health care system. This is not compassion, it's fucking cowardice. People need to hear the hard truth and they need to own up to their choices and get moving.
Speaker 2:And then, of course, one of the biggest offenders is social media. It fuels fat activism. There's so many social media influencers who are making careers out of telling people it's okay to be over 400 pounds. Tiktok, body positive influencers are pushing the idea that all bodies are healthy. There's no such thing as fat and healthy. Sorry, it just doesn't fucking exist. You have Instagram models flunking their morbid obesity and calling it curves Give me a break. You have people on YouTube attacking doctors for simply stating medical facts. Here's the ugly truth Obesity is not body positivity, it's slow motion suicide. That's what it is. Yet instead of promoting healthy living, influencers are attacking the very idea of weight loss as if it's some form of oppression. The message is clear If you lose weight, you're a sellout. If you promote health, you're fat phobic. If you tell the truth, you're a bigot. It's absolute, fucking insanity.
Speaker 2:I don't know why people defend obesity, I guess the reason when they do. I don't know why people cling to obesity activism so hard. Well, I guess it's because it's easier to demand accommodations than to make a change right. It's easier to blame society than to take responsibility to say, hey, you know what's easier to blame society than to take responsibility to say, hey, you know what I got to do something about this. This is my fault, these are my choices, and hey, if I made all these bad choices, I can make better choices. And it's easier to rewrite reality than to face the truth At its core.
Speaker 2:Fat activism is not about fairness. It's about avoiding discomfort. Losing weight it's hard. I don't really. I think if you do it the right way, it's not hard. But changing your habits, yeah, it's hard. It takes some work and you have to make small, smart choices. And facing reality is really fucking hard. Look, I know about not wanting to face reality. I told you I could shave and brush my teeth in the morning and not even see myself in the mirror. So instead of dealing with the hard truths.
Speaker 2:People like Jay Lin are building entire movements around avoiding them. Right, you got to deal with this shit. You got to take stock, take control of yourself and deal with it. It's a fucking choice. And that brings me to the next one, which is you can lose weight if you really want to.
Speaker 2:At the end of the day, every single person has the power to change their weight. I know that's an unpopular thing to say, but I really don't give a shit. It's the truth. If you don't want to lose weight, fine, it's your life. It's your choice. I'm a live and let live kind of guy, but don't expect the rest of the world to fucking cater to you.
Speaker 2:You do what you do, but deal with the seats. If the airplanes are too small for you, that's a you problem. If medical equipment doesn't fit, that's also a you problem. If you struggle with everyday activities, that's a you problem. Society doesn't owe you comfort at the expense of reality. That's the bottom line.
Speaker 2:Fat activism, if you believe there should be such a thing, should be about ending bullying and promoting self-worth. But it's been hijacked into a movement that encourages people to stay unhealthy. That's not empowerment, that's entitlement. Jalen Cheney's Fat E equality bill of rights isn't about fairness. It's about shifting personal responsibility onto society. If you really cared about people's well-being then we wouldn't be demanding bigger airplane seats. We'd be helping people lose weight. So you want equality? Then take some accountability. The truth might be hard, but at least it'll set you free.
Speaker 2:So after scrolling through her Instagram page and looking at a bunch of stuff, I found out that it goes even further into dangerous behavior and just insanity about fat people. So I found out and I think I kind of knew this, but I found out that there's a thing called FatCon. So FatCon 2025 is a three-day conference dedicated to fat liberation and community building. It's happening January 31st through February 2nd of 2025 at the Embassy Suites in Seattle, seattle. They say the event aims to generate fat joy and foster a supportive environment for individuals of size. It's craziness. The convention features a diverse array of programming, including workshops, keynote speakers, a fashion show in a marketplace. These activities are designed to celebrate fat culture, promote self-acceptance and address issues pertinent to the fat community.
Speaker 2:That's just fucking nuts, right? So it's a bunch of fat people getting together to say, hey, it's okay for you to be fat, also known as it's okay for you to be healthy and die younger, get more disease. Hey, don't do anything, don't make the choice that you need to make. Let's all get together and try to get the world to change around us because, hey, we're fat. So I looked at some of the sessions and the shit that's going on there and it's fucking crazy, right. So one of the sessions is called Fat-Friendly Mental Health Care a guide to getting the care you need, to getting the care you need.
Speaker 2:This session discusses how to find therapists and psychiatrists who are considered a fat individuals aiming to navigate a mental health care system that has inherent biases. Are you fucking kidding me? Really? You're saying that psychiatrists, therapists, hate you because you're fat? No, you fucking hate you because you're fat, but here's a way that you don't need to use any of those people lose weight. Right, it's simple. You're choosing to be fat, lose weight. The psychiatrist and the therapists are not conspiring against you. Are there some therapists that may not like fat people? Sure, there's some therapists that don't like jewish people. There's some therapists that don't like black people, so there's some therapists that don't like Jewish people. There's some therapists that don't like black people. So there's some therapists that don't like every group, but there is no inherent biases in therapy and psychology against fat people. The inherent bias is that you're too fucking lazy to do what you need to do to lose the weight. Here's another one that I'm just stunned at.
Speaker 2:Another session fat liberation, parenting A discussion on raising children with fat liberation values, addressing challenges faced by parents and caregivers in anti-fat environments. Oh, my fucking God, are you kidding me? Lose weight and you won't be in an anti-fat environment. The world is not against you, you're against you. You're killing yourself. Remember what I said earlier it's slow motion suicide. We don't need to get the world to change to accept you. You need to make the change. Because you want to be healthy, okay, being fat, hey, it's your choice. If you want to be fat, be fat, but don't expect the world to fucking change around you. It's your choice. If you want to be fat, be fat, but don't expect the world to fucking change around you. If you don't like the way you're being treated, well, I get it, be an activist. But if you don't like the fact that, as a fat person, you don't fit into the world as it is, then don't be a fat person anymore.
Speaker 2:Here's another session Fatness in a fitness environment, building community and building strength A roundtable exploring the experiences of fat individuals who are personal trainers, business owners or community leaders in the fitness industry. I'm certainly not a skinny guy, so I kind of get that. It's not really saying, hey, I'm fat. Well, yeah, it kind of is right. If you weigh 450 pounds, it's tough for me to listen to you about losing weight, unless you were 800 pounds and you lost 400 pounds. Yeah, then I'm willing to listen to you about losing weight, unless you were 800 pounds and you lost 400 pounds. Yeah, that I'm willing to listen to. But at 350 pounds and you haven't lost any weight, that's the way you've been for the last three years. It's tough for me to believe anything you say about weight loss because you don't practice what you preach.
Speaker 2:Here's another session Fat trauma, healing through community and fat joy no-transcript. It's called losing weight. It's called it's easy to lose weight. You know how to do it. It's not. You're not stuck in some trap. It's not something that was sprung upon you. It didn't happen overnight. You're fat because of the choices you made. If you want to heal really heal, not heal your mind and say, yeah, hey, it's okay if you're 350 pounds and you're 5'2". No, that's not okay. It's just not okay. If you want to do it, fine. If you want to smoke, do it. If you want to take drugs, do it. But if you want everybody else to rally around, you lose the fucking weight. And another session.
Speaker 2:The last one I'm going to talk about is Take Up Space a suspension, rope bondage, demo and performance. I'm not going to lie, lie. I'd be interested in seeing that one, a live demonstration showcasing rope suspension, emphasizing the beauty and empowerment of fat individuals taking up space. So I I guess they're getting special equipment for that, and shit, because they do. Everybody these fat activists say that you need special equipment. Doctors have special equipment, planes should have special seats. I wonder if you need special equipment. Doctors should have special equipment, planes should have special seats. I wonder if there's special equipment for that. I'm not going to lie. Just for the pure freak value, I'd like to see some fat people tied up and suspended or whatever like in a BDSM environment. I think that would be, truthfully. I guess some people like that. If you're a chubby chase, you might like that. But I'm not going to lie. I hope they post some pictures from that because that would be interesting and funny to me. What's not funny is if I'm a betting man, I'm saying this Jay Lynn, she's not even going to be around for Fat Con 2026. She's going to be dead.
Speaker 2:And if you don't think that these things affect your body, you don't think that, if you think that being a fat activist is going to save you from the things that are brewing inside your body, let me tell you about five fat activists and social media celebrities who passed away before the age of 50. So there's a woman named Kat Pauze. I don't know if I'm saying that right, but she was an American academic specializing in fat studies and a very prominent fat activist. She was a senior lecturer at Massey University in New Zealand but shockingly she died suddenly in her sleep at the age of 42. Then there's another fat activist, fat influencer, jamie Lopez. She was a body positivity advocate and a founder of Super Size Salon and she worked to create inclusive beauty spaces I guess fat chairs and whatever. She died from heart complications at the age of 37.
Speaker 2:Then there's Alice Webb. She's a mother of five. She was involved in all the body positivity circles and she tragically died following complications from a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift procedure at the age of 33. So she was getting a butt lift because obviously she didn't like her body, but she was a fat activist, so she couldn't say it, I shouldn't say it, I don't know, but she died at the age of 33. Then you have Tabby Brown. She was a model and an influencer who promoted body positivity. She died from fat embolism shortly after undergoing, shockingly, a Brazilian butt lift surgery at the age of 38. And the last one I'll give you is this person called Mimi Roth, a well-known fat acceptance advocate and activist and a founder of the National Action Against Obesity. She advocated for body positivity and challenged societal norms regarding weight. She died at the age of 51.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, you can be as active as you want, fighting for the cause to change people's views about fat people, which get it. They shouldn't be bullied. But you know, rather than spend the energy trying to get everybody else to change, why don't you just invest the energy in yourself? Why don't you take that same energy and say you know what? I'm going to change myself. I'm going to figure out why I want and need to lose this weight. And I gave you five damn good reasons why you should want to lose that weight. Because those are five people. Actually, one of them died at 51, but three of them died in their 30s.
Speaker 2:There's no way around it. Being fat is just not healthy. It's going to kill you at some point. So I could go on for days. I'm certainly going to look online and see what's happening at this fat con, because it's just shocking to me. I don't know how else to put it.
Speaker 2:It is just so unbelievably irresponsible to tell people accept yourself as fat. And when you say accept yourself as fat, you're saying accept yourself as being unhealthy, and being unhealthy is okay and it's not so. That's all I really have to say. No, that's not true. I have so much more to say, but that's where I'm going to end it today, because I'm sure a lot of people are going to be pissed off that I'm saying all these things, but this is the hard truth. Sorry, it's the fucking truth. Being fat is going to kill you. Being 150, 250 pounds overweight is going to kill you. Maybe not today, maybe not next year. Not today, maybe not next year, but it's going to rob you of many, many years of your life. Wow, that was angry, depressing, it was all kinds of things, but I just needed to get it off my chest because I was just so, just shocked at the arrogance and stupidity of these fat activists. So, anyway, let's move on.
Speaker 2:So if you want to know how I lost 140 pounds and I'm still losing weight, if you want to know how I did that, you can get my book. It's called Shut Up and Choose. It's on Amazon. We're an Amazon bestseller. Tons of five-star reviews, tons of emails coming in from people letting me know how I've changed their life, how my style of eating just works and you lose weight effortlessly.
Speaker 2:I also have a video course called Live Life, love Food, lose Weight. Funny enough, and it's 23 videos. All of them are five minutes or less. Actually, one is a little bit longer, it's like about six minutes, but you listen to the whole thing and watch the whole thing in under two hours. Been selling like crazy. I have a special sale going on right now. Go to learnshutupandchoosecom. That's learnshutupandchoosecom. It'll change your life and if you have to lose 20 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds, you need to lose the weight. It's time. It really is time. It's all about choices the choices that you're making every day, the choices that you made leading up to this point and the choices that are keeping you fat. So now the only thing you really left to do is to shut up and choose.